

The best way to protect your business against cyber attacks and the recovery periods after one occurs is to perform a risk assessment of your cybersecurity. Not only will it ensure that your 业务服务 continue to run smoothly, but it will also make it easier to pass cyber insurance assessments. Cyber insurance assessments are completed by insurance companies to check a business’ cybersecurity before approving them for cyber insurance, which is vital for businesses to have to recuperate after a cyber attack.

在进行你自己的风险评估之前, it’s important to first understand the different kinds of risk your digital environment is susceptible to.


There are five main types of risk 在网络安全 that can affect businesses of any industry. 它们是:

  1. Spam and Phishing: These are among the most common and basic types of risk. 垃圾邮件指的是收到的任何不需要的电子邮件或信息. Phishing refers to a cyber criminal attempting to gather sensitive information from people via messages or emails by pretending to be a person or business that the target knows.

  2. Malware: This threat is a program inserted into an application or system to interfere with, 损害, 或者访问数据.

  3. Ransomware: This is a type of malware that prevents or limits your personnel’s access to systems or files until you pay the criminal to unlock them. Criminals may not unlock anything even after payment, or they may cause 损害 before unlocking them.

  4. Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) Attacks: Cyberattackers inundate websites with lots of traffic to slow the website down and to disrupt the online services offered on them.

  5. Corporate Account Takeover (CATO): Cyber criminals pretend to be part of your business and send money to their accounts.

如果你是金融机构的一员, 你也可能成为第六种风险的受害者, 哪个是自动取款机提现. Criminals will take out large amounts of cash via withdrawals simultaneously at different locations, 或者他们会在一台自动取款机上进行几笔交易.

Conducting a cybersecurity assessment can show you weaknesses in your systems, 应用程序, or website so that you can prevent many of these risks from occurring.


A cybersecurity assessment, also called a security risk assessment, involves:

  • 分析计算机系统、应用程序、网页等. 检查网络攻击或潜在的网络攻击

  • 确定攻击可能造成的伤害

  • Recommending next steps to take to prevent the attack from happening

资讯系统审核及管制协会(ISACA) recommends that your business conduct these assessments at least once every two years. 然而, you should try to conduct these assessments more regularly if possible because each assessment only captures risk at one point in time. Organizations at especially high risk should try to do these assessments continuously to better protect their data and daily business operations.


评估您的数字环境的潜在风险, 使用以下网络安全风险评估清单:

  • 检查当地和行业相关的指导方针和要求 to make sure that all parts of your IT environment and related security measures are compliant. Take a look at your own policies and procedures as well to make sure everything matches what is necessary to keep your data safe. This is a good time to also review how often and how in-depth cybersecurity training with employees goes and to make changes as needed.

  • 进行风险识别 在网络安全. 而不是识别已经发生的风险, you determine which groups or individuals pose a threat to your business’ cybersecurity as well as what events might make your business more vulnerable to an attack. 一个事件的例子包括企图进行网络钓鱼攻击. You should also identify weak points in your digital systems that also might be easier to breach.

  • Determine the likelihood of a cyber attack and the severity of the impact 这会影响到你的生意. You may base these probabilities on analysis on both digital environments as well as assessment of physical IT environments. Figuring out how hard it is to gain access to your systems or go through the authentication process can also aid you in determining the probabilities of attack.

  • 计算风险. You do this by combining the probabilities of a cyber attack occurring and how damaging it would be if it did occur. Damages include unplanned downtimes, lost revenue, and even customer churn in some cases.

  • 创建网络安全风险评估报告. This details everything you gathered during the risk assessment process and provides recommendations on what next steps to take so that your business’ leadership team can make a decision based upon your findings.

For more guidance on how to conduct one of these risk assessments, refer to the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)指导方针.


网络罪犯很狡猾. That’s why no matter how often you run a security risk assessment, 你仍然可能成为攻击的受害者. Having cyber insurance helps businesses recover from one of these attacks quicker, 但是要获得良好的报道, 如果有的话, is difficult if businesses don’t perform well during the cyber insurance assessment. MG游戏登录网页 能帮你准备这些评估吗.

We offer a cyber insurance readiness review to make sure you meet all of your potential insurer’s policy requirements as well as provide you with some guidance on how much coverage you need and what limits you should accept. 如果你已经有了网络保险, we will also review your current policy to see whether it is a right fit for your needs. 如果你想获得网络保险方面的帮助, mg官方游戏中心 今天.



